Monday, May 21, 2007


I am worried about our bees.

This wikipedia enrty says it all.

A near-perfect metaphor for humanity.


Unknown said...

I worry too, Mr. Harmer.

heymiss said...

I recently read an article that experts *think* the colony collapse is caused by a virus that had not previously been seen in north america.(It is common somewhere else, the exact location of which now escapes me...) Now experts are going to experiment to see if they are right and then, I suppose, come up with some solution...
Part of the problem is also that most bees are not native to north america and many of the native species have been pushed out of their niches by bees from other places.
Since the nagging seensation of worry does me little good unless I can connect it to something I can actually do, consider this: In New Mexico we had a huge die off of pinyon trees due to these little beetles. The trees were made incredibly susceptible because of severe drought, which may be due to, at least in part, to global warming. That I can do at least a little something about. I think probably a lot of changes in plant and animal populations probably come down to that...What would be something a population could deal with and move on becomes more devestating because of all the other changes.